

Paul Klee once said ‘Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible.’

During my Fine Art Degree course in Liverpool, her focus was mainly on drawing, painting and print making. It is here that Izzy’s work grew more distinctive, as she created dreamlike depictions of the world around her, and by doing so continued to form her own visual language.

Exhibitions of her work during that time included a temporary space in the Albert Dock, a group exhibition in the Egg Cafe, and the Degree show in the Williamson Art Gallery in Birkenhead. Graduating in 1998, Izzy had an exhibition in the 8th Day Cafe in Manchester, and created some designs for Artzu’s permanent collection, as well as producing a couple of commissions.

In 2003, she completed a PGCE course in Art & Design and taught for several years, which further widened her range of techniques. Although she still likes to teach and work with children, she now mainly focuses on her own work.



© Izzy Verena

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